Did you know that we live events in our lives at least twice. Yep, Girl… we all do no matter what age. First, when events actually happen and then again later when we review those events and organize them into some sort of coherent story. No matter, if the event is negative or positive we all do the same thing with experiences.

What are you talking about?

Under the blanket of the fancy banter I just spouted out, is the reality that these events can shape our next. Thus, altering how we deal with a situation the next time it occurs, or where we might allow it to shape our mental state.

Mentally recreating these stories did you know comes naturally to people. See we as humans dwell, ponder, speculate, even manipulate the event we experience. We do these things because our innate need to connect the dots to boost our self-esteem and feel better about ourselves.

How to effectively work through your events?

When I go to my office, ie the bathroom this is the place that I work through so much in my life, no matter what it is. Yet, when I come up with a great idea…I may forget some of the critical words or paths I need to take to deal with the situation effectively. Y’all, I’m telling you I would have this award winning dialogue all played out in my mind and get in front of the person and say nothing I thought of.

But, I found a solution to this….wait for it. I started journaling. As I write this my chest is poked out. The accomplishment is real. My self-esteem has been boosted, and I feel so good when I go into situations that I have played out in my head.

Why does Journaling make you feel better?

In short, writing in a journal whether it is to work through happy or sad memories, or to recap events in or out of your control. Putting pen to paper is a great stress reliever. Girl… you may end up feeling better about your self, although not necessarily happier. The effects , however, only seem to last a day or two. But that’s long enough to give you the boost you need to start a project, face a daunting challenge, have a difficult conversation or just get over one of those humps in life where you’re feeling a bit down on yourself. Try it!

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